Who We Are

The UCLA Undergraduate Law Journal is the annual publication of the UCLA Pre-Law Society dedicated to providing a platform for undergraduate students across the world to showcase high-quality legal research and develop as early career legal scholars.

The Journal features scholarship concerning a diverse range of legal systems, including both state and federal law in the United States, international law in all its manifestations, the law of a foreign jurisdiction, and comparative law between jurisdictions.

Our Mission

The future of the U.S. legal system will be defined by the influx of a generation of passionate, energetic, and activism-forged individuals into the legal profession—this generation is the undergraduate student body of the present. Accordingly, it is vital that undergraduate students, the most politically and civically active cohort of American society, are offered opportunities to deepen their understanding of the legal system and engage in impactful scholarship early in their professional and academic careers.

The Journal seeks, in particular, to showcase scholarship that highlights how the law interacts with marginalized and historically disadvantaged communities and peoples with the aim of highlighting overlooking and understudied aspects of law and contemporary society.